Monday, February 9, 2009

keep your mind wide open

Have you ever seen the sky so beautiful, colorful, wide and wonderful
Have you ever felt the sun shine so brilliently, raining down oh the unity
Have you ever wanted more? (wanted more)

You've got to keep your mind wide open
all the possibilities
You've got to live with your eyes open
believe in what you see

(Verse 2)
Think of all the days you've wasted worrying, wondering, hoplessly hoping
Think of all the time ahead, don't hesitate, continplate, no its not too late
Have you ever wanted more? Don't you know there's so much more

You've got to keep your mind wide open
all the possibilities
You've got to live with your eyes open
believe in what you see

Tomorrows horizons
Full of surprises
Don't let them chase your dreams away

You've got to keep your mind wide open
all the possibilities
You've got to live with your eyes open
believe in what you see

You've got to keep your mind wide open
all the possibilities
You've got to live with your eyes open
believe in what you see
believe in what you see
believe in what you see

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kém Kéþímþîñãñ 2009

Hari ni ana nk cite psl kem kepimpinan 2009. Excited sgt nk tulis ni... he3. Maklumlah, bru balik kem..

Program tu best sgt tau. Program tu bkn sje best tpi dpt memantapkan disiplin diri kite tau.

Mse nk tidur tu klakar sgt. Ana(nadia) tido kt dlm bilik yg kecik. Bilik lain smua bilik besar. Bilik yg ana tido tu bleh muat 12 katil. Bdk2 lain smuanye kecik2. Kite org je tahap 2 kt ctu. Mse nk tido ni, ana tutup la lampu. And then, die org menjerit. Ape kene pon ana tataw. Ana pown sruh ah die org syp. Ps2 mlmh msk bilik 2 utk tido.

Pling klakar, 2 katil, 3 org tido.. ha3. Ntah ape yg die org tkt. last2, ana mngalah. Ana pown tido ah kt katil yg die org tkt sgt tu.. Mle2, standard jek.. Beberape minit lps tu, ana rse tkt sket.. ana pown istighfar byk2... tibe2, teringat plak cite2 hantu yg penah ana tgk sblum ni. Ana igt nk lari gi kt katil lain. Ana pon tngkn diri.. ps2 tetido..

Pagi esoknye, kite org buat program yg diberi nme 'si burung hantu'. Si burung hantu nie kene tutup mate. and then, ketua die org kene bwk anak2 buahnye ke mne2 je. Ntah knp dibuat siang2. Klw mlm2, msti best. Tp yg ana pelik nye... dlm siang2 tu, ade lg org mnangis. Ketua die org yg mnyebabkan die org nangis. Tp ana dgr sorang ketua tu ckp. Nme die Dina Alia "kt sini ade byk gua. Ana pon tak tau knp. ok2, dh smpai. merangkak. jgn sesekali bgn!" kejam btul ktua tu. he3. pstu ana dgr die ckp lg "jgn la nangis."

Kemudian, kami makan. Lepas makan, kite org ade satu program lg. program aktiviti dlm kumpulan(ADK). Lepas2 bincang2.. biasalah kan... kene bentang dpn org rmai... mcm biasa gak, senior yg kene ke depan.

Ana antara budak senior tu... nk ckp tu, mmgla gementar. tp sebagai pengawas, kite kene berani dan pandai berkomunikasi. Ana pown berila penerangan dlm terketar2. nasib baik x de org nmpk. Klw tak, mmg diketawakan la.. Tp dlm tkt2 tu, best gak. Rse nk bg bentang skali lgi jek..

Sbelum mjlis penutup, kte org adela buat 'sharing time'. Muallimah Aniza tny spe volunteer nk sharing. Mle2 tu ade la banin sorang tu berucap... Lps die abes berucap muallimah tny plak volunteer banat. Disebabkan ana ske berckp kt dpn, ana pown try ah. Pnylah debar mse tu... Tp, alhamdulillah ana bleh berucap.

Lps majlis penutup tu, ade penyampaian hadiah. Kumpulan ana dpt anugerah kumpulan terbaik atas pimpinan 'Ufairah dan kerjasama anak2 buahnye... Kire ok la tu..

Ana dh tatau nk ckp ape nie. Nmpknye, smpai cnie je ana sharing pengalaman ngan semua pembaca2 blog kite org nie..Wassalam..